Thailand Scholastic Journal of Science
Volume 4, Issue 1, January-December, 2023
From the Editor
Dear Readers,
We, the Editorial staff of the Thailand Scholastic Journal of Science are proud to present the 2023 issue of our journal. After the disruption of COVID during our first two issues, we feel that we are becoming well established as a journal publishing the research findings of Thai secondary school students.
This year we publish five papers covering a range of fields: Mosquito Ecology, Lunar Agriculture, Oyster Culture, Agricultural Pest Control, and Rubber Latex Processing. All of the papers in this issue are authored by students from the Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools group of schools. We hope to begin publishing the research of students from other secondary schools in Thailand in future issues.
We hope you find these papers useful for their findings and also in helping to inspire young Thai students to gain the confidence to conduct research of their own and submit their findings to TSJOS for publication.
Jonathan Eales
Editor-in-Chief, TSJOS